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Materials and Manufacturing Group

Latest Publications

  • Sudipta Pramanik, Dennis Milaege, Maxwell Hein, Kay-Peter Hoyer, Mirko Schaper, Additive manufacturing and mechanical properties of auxetic and non-auxetic Ti24Nb4Zr8Sn biomedical stents: a combined experimental and computational modelling approach, Crystals (IF 2.670), 13 (11), 1592

  • Sudipta Pramanik, Jan Krüger, Mirko Schaper, Kay-Peter Hoyer, Quasi in-situ localised corrosion of an additively manufactured FeCo alloy in 5 wt.% NaCl solution, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A (IF 2.726),

  • Sudipta Pramanik, Dennis Milaege, Maxwell Hein, Anatolii Andreiev, Mirko Schaper, Kay-Peter Hoyer, An experimental and computational modelling study on additively manufactured micro-architectured Ti24Nb4Zr8Sn hollow strut lattice structures, Advanced engineering materials (IF 4.122), 2023, 

  • Sudipta Pramanik, Kay-Peter Hoyer, Mirko Schaper, Experimental and finite element method investigation on the compression behaviour of FCCZ and BCC lattice structures of additively manufactured Fe-3Si samples, Rapid prototyping journal (IF 4.043), 2023,

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